Bild av Andreas Lydell

Vertrieb Telecom und Hindernisbefeuerung

Andreas Lydell

Telefon: +46 70-692 49 78

Bild av Christian Tiilikainen

Vertrieb Telecom

Christian Tiilikainen

Telefon: +46 70-692 49 23

Bild av Ronnie Berglund

Vertrieb Schnellkupplung M42

Ronnie Berglund

Telefon: +46 70-692 49 92

Bild av Jari Tuomela

Internationale Kundenbetreuung

Jari Tuomela

Telefon: +46 70-692 49 26

Bild av Ove Gabrielsson

Key Account Manager Telecom SWE

Ove Gabrielsson

Telefon: +46 72-050 98 69

Bild av Richard Petersson Wigh

Vorsitzender / Vertriebs-und Marketingmanager

Richard Petersson Wigh

Telefon: +46 8 505 949 00

Bild av Tobias Petersson


Tobias Petersson

Telefon: +46 8 505 949 00

Bild av Helga Gustafsson

Vertrieb Innendienst

Helga Gustafsson

Telefon: +46 70-692 49 62


Tykoflex exhibits at Angacom in Cologne May 23-25

16 Mai 2023

We have just finished the ELFACK fair in Gothenburg and now we are going to Germany. Tykoflex exhibits at Angacom in Cologne May 23-25. We look forward to meet you and tell you all about the market’s most secure Telecom…

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Visit us at ELFACK in Gothenburg

9 Mai 2023

The doors have opened at ELFACK 2023. A warm welcome to Tykoflex stand D02:18 at the Swedish fair in Gothenburg on May 9-12. Come by and take a closer look at our new prototypes for expanding existing Joint Closure T…

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Seaflex training day with Frame Communications

25 Apr 2023

First training day with Frame Communications from Ireland. Review of all installation steps for our Seaflex/Branch unit together with the project’s selected fiber cable. Tomorrow we will also take a closer look at our Joint Closure T240 Beachflex. Read more…

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FTTH Conference 2023 in Madrid

19 Apr 2023

Tykoflex exhibits at FTTH Conference 2023 in Madrid on April 18-20. Welcome to visit us, you will find us in booth B19.

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Tykoflex will exhibit at FTTH Conference 2023

17 Mrz 2023

Tykoflex exhibits at FTTH Conference 2023 in Madrid on April 18-20. Welcome to visit us, you will find us in booth B19.

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Tykoflex environmental work with Assent

7 Mrz 2023

To stay compliant with current and future regulations and our environmental goals, we use the help of Assent and their platform. Using comprehensive substance tracking, reporting and efficient supply chain communication, Assent help us gain visibility into our product composition….

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Anleitungen und Videos

Anleitungen mit Anweisungen

Anleitungsvideos zum Arbeiten mit Tykoflex Telecombox T240.



Videosammlung zu Tykoflex, den Mitarbeitern und dem Werk.


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